Humbled Hearts Ministries, Inc. provides a number of services for persons in recovery.  These services are geared to help individuals and families recover from substance abuse and/or dependence.  Services available are:

Bridges to Recovery Support Group

Bridges offers to anyone who is in recovery or a co-dependent of someone in recovery, non-judgmental encouragement, support and the resources that they may need to be successful during this transition of life.  Bridges meetings are held every Tuesday evening at 6pm – 7pm in the Fellowship Hall at the St. John Praise & Worship Center, 371 North Chestnut Street, Pulaski, IL.

Life Skills Workshops for Youth

Youth focused programs that include “life building” skills; classes that have been proven to build strong, healthy youth.  Some of the areas are Change, Self Esteem Building, Job Preparation Skills, and others.

Vocational Training and Support


Recovery Support Workshops